Michigan's Farm to School program announced the dates of the upcoming 5th annual conference for Farm to Cafeteria. In 2010, it will be held in Detroit on May 17th - 19th (last year it was held in Portland, Oregon and the topics covered looked fantastic.) Be sure to follow the updates at the conference website: http://www.farmtocafeteriaconference.org/.
Thanks to Collen Matts, of the CS Mott Group for Sustainable Food Systems,(http://www.mifarmtoschool.msu.edu/) for the heads-up!
Coordinating the development and implementation of a local/regional Farm to School Program. As such, collaborating with area schools, agencies, farmers, businesses, parents and any interested individuals for the fundamental goals of: reducing the incidence of obesity in school children; reestablishing a relationship between students and their food source - the farmer; and helping to maintain the economic viability of small farms. Please feel free to comment or share our posts.