Thursday, January 21, 2010

reBlog from Why Michelle Obama’s Initiative to Reduce Childhood Obesity Will Fail | Fooducate

Michelle Obama, official White House portrait.Image via Wikipedia

Found this article today that looks at both sides of the coin - so to speak - in our local and national efforts to mitigate childhood obesity rates and to support local farmers.

It stated that on Wednesday, January 20th, Michelle Obama made an announcement that marks the beginning of her second year as First Lady...

"First Lady Michelle Obama has a legacy she wants
to leave behind: drastically reducing childhood obesity. Yesterday at a Mayors
Conference in Washington DC, she announced a new initiative in this spirit, to
be formally announced in February.", Why Michelle Obama’s Initiative to Reduce Childhood Obesity Will Fail Fooducate, Jan 2010

Topping the list of proposed action items is improving school lunches! But, clearly, obstacles exist to this and to the other listed points of action. Let's just say... let's follow the money. According to this article, billions upon billions of dollars - and related jobs - are invested in the continued unhealthiness of the U.S. population. So - can we really turn this around?

You should read the whole article. Then, give your opinion on the potentials for meaningful success on this monumental challenge, by clicking on "comment" below. In the meantime, we will be sure to bring you updates on Ms Obama's initiative.

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