Friday, February 19, 2010

Eleven VT Schools receive Farm to School Grants

Really good news for the schools receiving extra funds from grants jointly awarded by VT Agency of Ag and the VT Farm to School Network!

"The Vermont Farm to School grant program is in its fourth year and works to improve kids’ diets by linking local producers and schools. The grant program encourages schools to engage students in their local food system by incorporating local food and farm education in their cafeterias, classrooms and communities.
This year, grants were awarded to eleven schools. Five are implementation grants and six are planning grants. Schools who received grants in 2009 were on hand with displays demonstrating how the money had made an impact on their school and the important role the grants played in bringing more local foods to their cafeteria while making connections with local farmers."

Not that schools that don't receive extra funding can't do anything. It just requires a bit more resourcefulness to make head-way. But it's something to consider for the near future --- obtaining grants to adminster directly thru the Schoharie Valley Farm to School Project and apply to participating schools. Funds for teaching resources, farm tours, school garden seeds and soil, and to purchase more local fruits and veggies... all on our collective list of "things to do". Nevertheless, money can help to speed the process... and get to the desired results sooner for the benefit of the kids and te community.

How do you think we should proceed? Click 'comments' and let us know.

In the meantime, read the full Vermont story on what they are doing in that state to 'turn the page' and increase local produce and ag/food/nutrition education in schools : Eleven VT Schools receive Farm to School Grants

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